About Us

MASTER MAPPING helps you to identify your inborn - innate qualities and groom it, so that you will get ready to face the world with the best you have.

MASTER MAPPING Welcomes You To –
Know Your Strength
Grow Your Hidden Talent
Prove Your Innate Potential
Line Your Capabilities

With a broad goal of Intellectual Inspirations, MASTER MAPPING provides a platform for your child to develop the creativity skills by Gifting DMIT.

“Genius Identification Fingerprint Test”

Hello! I RENU SHARMA ,is a founder of MASTER MAPPING, feel proud to call myself an Educationist . Throughout the life journey, travelling in the Education field I experienced that approx. 20% children are only independent decision makers to select the future goal of their life. And remaining are been forced to move according to their parent’s ambitions. Every child is very special. Why do we forget that today the time has changed, success and progress is the right of every human being. In such a situation, we should also take a pledge for good education for our children and help them to achieve the pinnacle of self- reliance.

Every human being is born with an Inborn Talent which God has gifted to them.

We take this opportunity to explore the innate genius in you/your child. It would be our pleasure to serve you and your acquaintances to maximise your potential through our services in the field of Multiple Intelligence Evaluation.

MASTER MAPPING with their expert knowledge of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analyses/Test i.e. DMIA/DMIT enables to discover your strength, weaknesses, preferences.

Evidently your hands are like map to your personality. By examining the patterns on our finger tips, we can uncover telling facts about ourselves. And since our fingerprints do not change as we age, much can be read about children by taking a look at their tiny fingers. By analysing the prints, parents can tailor their guidance to each individual child helping to unlock their full potential.

MASTER MAPPING helps to improve education and learning style by working on 8 Multiple Intelligences of our children/students. These Multiple Intelligences are related to different parts of the brain lobes. Intelligence may either work individually or together depending on capabilities of individual. All these Intelligences will define the human personality type.

Why Choose Us

  • Enhance concentration Power
  • Improve memory
  • Blind fold vision
  • Self confidence
  • Retention Power
  • Emotional Stability
  • imagination Power

What is Dermatoglyphics?

The term Dermatoglyphics originates from an ancient two Greek word “Derma” meaning Skin and “Glyph” meaning Carve . It is the scientific study of the fingerprints i.e.; the pattern of skin (derma) ridges presents on the fingers. It reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. Dermatoglyphics has absolute scientific basis, with 200 years of research. It is analysed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine and statistics.

According to modern science, if you’re looking to uncover the truth about your personality- including strengths, weaknesses, preferences and even potential, look no further than your own two hands.

Evidently, your hands are like maps to your personality.

Not only do the lengths do your fingers and the shapes of your nails reveal the truth, but so do your fingerprint patterns and there’s a whole science behind the analysis of these prints.

Founded in the Mid – 1900 by Dr. Harold Cummins, Dermatoglyphics is the study of fingerprints.

  • What is Intelligence?

    Mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems and use knowledge to adopt the new situations. All humans’ posses’ different types of intelligence in varying percentage. Each individual has a different sort of intelligence i.e., Intellectual Composition .

  • What is Multiple Intelligence?

    We all can improve education and learning style by improving 8 Multiple Intelligences of our children/students. These Multiple intelligences are related to the different parts of the brain lobes. Intelligence may either work individually or together depending on capabilities of individual. All these intelligences will define the Human Personality Types.

  • What is Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test/Analysis?

    Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is a truly combined scientific study of Brain Lobes, 8 Multiple Intelligences, Human Psychology and also the Fingerprint Patterns. This will help in understanding a great Individual’s Potential & Personality Type. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is based on understanding from Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Embryology. DMIT Assessment method has been formulated by scientists and medical experts. DMIT has accepted by entire world and also from renowned universities. Medical experts and approved clinical experience confirmed that finger prints provide accurate analysis of humans Multiple Intelligences and inborn potential. Traditionally only IQ test is used to be a measurement tool for degree of intelligence. Now Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test using in the field of School, College and Educational Institutions, Human Resource Management, Children Memory Enhancements Programs, Career Guidance and Career Counseling.

  • History Of Dermatoglyphics/ Fingerprints

    Dermatoglyphics has a rich and scientific history of over 350 years and has documentation of research data and results dated 200 years back.
    Dr. Harold Cummins is acknowledged as the Father of Dermatoglyphics. He studied all aspects of finger print analysis in fields as varied as anthropology, embryology and genetics. His famous Down syndrome studies accurately predicted the genetic link to the disease upon study of finger print patterns and the Simian crease.
    In former USSR, it was used to find talented sportsmen for Olympic Games of 1970’s. As it turned out, the USSR took home 50 gold medals in 1972 and 125 in 1976. By the 1980’s, China had also adopted the Russian method.
    Medical experts, with observation, recording, comparison, induction and clinical experiences, confirmed that fingerprints provide accurate analysis of a person’s Multiple Intelligences and Potential. Traditionally, IQ is used as a measurement tool of one’s level of intelligence.
    Dr. Howard Gardner introduced in his book, Frames of Mind, that man has at least 8 intelligences, and everyone has different proportions of these intelligence. We are able to discover our congenital intelligence, character traits and unknown potential through Dermatoglyphics. Advanced countries such as USA, Japan and Taiwan have adopted Dermatoglyphics technology in the field of education, human resource management, recruitment and even identifying gifted children.

    • The D.M.I.T has also helped lakhs of students in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan & India for the past 10 years and is continuing to do so successfully.

    • In the very beginning theprints were found on clay seals in Ancient China.

    • 1684 - Dr. Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712) presented Finger Prints, Palms and Soles as an Introduction to Dermatoglyphics to the Royal Society.

    • 1685 - Dr.Bidloo published an anatomical atlas, AnatomiaHumaniCorporis, with illustrations showing the human figure both in living attitudes and as dissected cadavers.

    • 1686 - Dr. Marcello Malphigi (1628-1694) noted in his treatise; ridges, spirals and loops in fingerprints.

    • 1788 - J.C. Mayer was the first to write out basic tenets of fingerprint analysis and theorized that fingerprints were unique

    • 1823 - Dr. Jan Purkinje classified the papillary lines on the fingertips into nine types: arch, tented arch, ulna loop, radial loop, peacock’s eye/compound, spiral whorl, elliptical whorl, circular whorl, and double loop/composite.

    • 1823 - John Evangelista Purkinje found that the patterns on one’s finger tips and the ridges and lines on one’s prints begin to form at around the thirteenth week in the womb.

    • 1832 - Dr. Charles Bell (1774-1842) was one of the first physicians to combine the scientific study of neuro-anatomy with clinical practice. He published The Hand: Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as Evincing Design.

    • 1893 - Dr. Francis Galton published his book, “Fingerprints”, establishing the individuality and permanence of fingerprints. The book included the first classification system for fingerprints: Arch, Loop and Whorl.

    • 1926 - Dr. Harold Cummins & Dr. Charles Midlo coined the term "Dermatoglyphics". They showed that the hand contained significant Dermatoglyphics configurations that would assist the identification of mongolism in the new-born child.

    • 1936- Dr. Harold Cummins & Dr. Charles Midlo also researched the embryo-genesis of skin ridge patterns and established that the fingerprint patterns actually develop in the womb and are fully formed by the fourth fatal month.

    • 1968 - Sarah Holt, whose own work 'The Genetics of Dermal Ridges' published in 1968, summarizes her research in of dermatoglyphics patterns of both the fingers and the palm in various peoples, both normal and congenitally afflicted.

    • 1969 - John J. Mulvihill, MD and David W. Smith, MD published The Genesis of Dermatoglyphics that provides the most up to date version of how fingerprints form.

    • 1970 - USSR, Former Soviet Union. Using Dermatoglyphics in selecting the contestant for Olympics.

    • 1985- Dr. Chen Yi MouPhd. Of Harvard University research Dermatoglyphics based on Multiple Intelligence theory of Dr. Howard Gardner. First apply dermatoglyphics to educational fields and brain physiology.

    • 2000 - Dr.Stowens, Chief of Pathology at St Luke's hospital in New York, claims to be able to diagnose schizophrenia and leukaemia with up to a 90% accuracy. In Germany, Dr. Alexander Rod Ewald reports he can pinpoint many congenital abnormalities with a 90% accuracy.

    • 2004 - IBMBS- International Behavioural and Medical Biometrics Society. Over 7000 report and thesis published. Nowadays the U.S., Japan or China, Taiwan apply dermatoglyphics to educational fields, expecting to improve teaching qualities and raising learning efficiency by knowing various learning styles.

    • 2011- The company way2brain started the new era in the history of the dermatoglyphics, the first time in India Online DMI Test. A platform independent system with regional languages.

Program Features


1. Uniqueness – There are no two identical fingerprints in this world. Even identical twins do not have the same fingerprints
2. Invariance– The pattern network of fingerprints from birth to death will not change even if it is due to the regeneration to the skin.

Importance Of Dermatoglyphics

1. It is not modified by Environmental Factors.
2. It is non-Adaptive in character.
3. Not subjective to high rate of mutation.
4. It can be identifiable without any subjective biasness, etc.
(Anything can be lie but not the fingerprint.)

Do you want to know your child to be restricted to the four walls of their class-rooms or be exposed to think outside the walls in order to find his/her true capabilities.


Do you know what is the most serious problem today’sgeneration is facing?

We find that there are 3C’s behind the STRESS: -
a). Competition
b). Comparison
c). Confusion
Every human being is born with an Inborn Talent which GOD has GIFTED to them.

DMIT will reveal following information about the child:

  • Intrinsic Potential.
  • Dominate and Preferred Learning Style.
  • Allocation of Various Abilities.
  • Learning Sensitivity.
  • Multiple Intelligence Distribution.
  • Learning Communication Character.
  • Psychological and Planning Capability.
  • Innate Work- Management Style.

Subscribe Program

MASTER MAPPING started a venture to help millions of people to reach and find their true potentials in almost any kind of field and work.

From kids to adults, we at “MASTER MAPPING” helps you to find what the next growth of an individual can look like.

If anything in our introduction excites you, we are just a call away to connect.

DMIT is for

DMIT data capturing session is conducted by a trained consultant/analyst who is skilled in capturing Dermatoglyphics data, through sophisticated image sensing scanner. Fingerprints of each finger are taken and the resultant image is placed into prescribed format after careful assessment. The accuracy of the analysis is 95% usually. The DMIT report is subjected to a detailed counseling session i.e., "Dermatoglyphics Multifactorial Intellect Analysis."

  • Toddlers - Age Group 1 to 3 years
  • Children - Age Group 4 to 10 years.
  • Students - Age Group 11 to 17 years
  • Professionals - Age Group 18 and Above
  • Adults - Age Group 25+
  • Corporate – Human Resource
  • Teachers and Educational Institutions
  • Matrimonial Matching and Business Partnership
  • Brain Excellence Programme


  • Enhahnce concentraion Power
  • Improve memory
  • Blind fold vision
  • Self confidence use
  • retention power
  • imagination power
  • fun games

Registrtaion form

Mastermapping.org provides first time in the field of education Brain analysis Programme using fingerprints.


Declaration: Considering the terms and conditions of MASTER MAPPING, it been declared that the applicant’s data/family data would not be applied for any other purpose except DMIT . The fingerprints would be deleted from company data base record after fulfilling the requirements.


Customer Review

Stay update with us

DMIT is the combined scientific study of Brain Lobes, 8 Multiple Intelligence and Human Psychology.

Contact Us

Every human being is born with an Inborn Talent which God has gifted to them.

Our Office Address

  • Plot No. B-118, Sector - 63/A, Noida Distt., Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.)
  • 9899952217, 9205373710
  • info@mastermapping.in

Social Address

Let's talk about your idea and query


MASTER MAPPING invites you to discover “Future on Your Finger Prints” by providing the opportunities to identify the hidden talent and capabilities.


What is Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test/Analysis?

Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science. It studies the patterns of skin ridges present on the fingers through observations and comparisons. Dermatoglyphics derived from ancient Greek word
"derma" meaning skin and "glyph" meaning curving. Dermatoglyphics has absolute scientific basis, with 200 years of research. It is analysed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine and statistics.

Understanding different areas in brain that are under or over emphasized. Discover your child’s Inborn Talent. Discover the level of his/her 8 Multiple Intelligences. Discover your Personality Traits. Understanding different areas in brain that are under or over emphasized. Identification of strengths and weaknesses of any individual. Know the Learning Style of an individual. Find out the development of different Quotients, other than IQ, namely EQ, CQ and AQ. Discover whether a person is a Left-Brain Dominant or a Right-Brain Dominant. Discover the Stream Selection in studies. Set the Expectation right. Improve Parent-Children Relationship. Better Relationship Management through Better Understanding. Save money which gets wasted in unnecessary courses and counselling. A Test – Once in a Life.

You can contact on +91-9899952217, 9205373710 anytime.

Open website www.mastermapping.org and click to program , select program and fill the enrollment details and pay now.