What is Dermatoglyphics?
The term
Dermatoglyphics originates from an ancient two Greek word
“Derma” meaning
Skin and
“Glyph” meaning
Carve . It is the scientific study of the fingerprints i.e.; the
pattern of skin (derma) ridges presents on the fingers. It reveals the congenital links
between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents.
Dermatoglyphics has absolute scientific basis, with 200 years of research. It is
analysed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine and statistics.
According to modern science, if you’re looking to uncover the truth about
your personality- including strengths, weaknesses, preferences and even potential,
look no further than your own two hands.
Evidently, your hands are like maps to your personality.
Not only do the lengths do your fingers and the shapes of your nails reveal the
truth, but so do your fingerprint patterns and there’s a whole science behind the
analysis of these prints.